Role of factories and industries/Essay on industry and factory


Factories and industries are very important for any country and state.Because all the types of development depend on the factories and industries.Because factories and industries are fullfill the need of any country which people live in that country.


If we talk about difference between factories and industries.Industry can mean two things.First of all industry is a group of companies that produce the same product or service.Then the factory is a manufacturing plant where manufacture new products,goods and many useful things.Which uses in the daily life.Eg-car, brush, colgate and many useful thing's.
            If we talk about history of industry and factory,we can find in the history.Starting of 19th century the industrialisation is start.In this period many machines have been invented by scientists.The industrialisation is starting from great Britain between 1820 -1840.Many new factories and industries are established at this time. In the factories the production is increasing very fast. So in this way colonialism start.All the country want to colonization.They here find a new market and raw material for their factories.
                                    If we talk about present time we can find its developed very fast.So in this way many small factories and jobs eat the machine.Because machines work very fast than human. It is more good and perfect than humans.The chance of mistakes is 0.01%.
                                                                           When we talk about industries we can find there are many sectors.But mainly five sectors are in the talk.All the sectors are described below.

(1) Primary sector→primary sector is the stand first in this list.In this sector it deals with extraction of natural resources and transformation into commodities and product's for people.Mostly this sector come from natural resources.These industries mainly divide into two parts, mining and labouring.This sector is play very important role in the growth of in our country economy.This sector includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining and extraction of minerals.

(2)secondary sector→Secondary sector come after the primary sector and Its also known as manufacturing and construction.This sector is depends on the primary sector.This sector use the raw materials produced by the primary sector and process them into  manufactured goods and product's.This industries includes heavy manufacturing, light manufacturing,food processing,oil refining and energy production.In this sector Automotive, Electrical industries, Metallurgical industries, Construction industries,Food industries,Glass industries comes in this sector.

(3)Tertiary sector→Tertiary sector is also known as service sector.This sector include retail, tourism, banking, entertainment, telecommunication.If we talk about its important we can find without it we can't imagine development in any other country include our country.

(4)Quaternary sector→Quaternary sector comes into quinary sector.Which consist decision making in society or economy.This sector includes top executives or officials in such field's as government, science, universities,healthcare, culture and media.This sector provide large number of job.All the sectors of industry is very important in the growth of nay other country in the world.without industries and factories we can't live.
               As we also known that all the things have two parts.If we talk about in it.We can find two things.First of all advantage and second is disadvantage.Its advantage is good .We can find many advantages in it.We also know that India is a semi developed country.Without factories and industries we can't see our country in the list of developed country.
                                 If we talk about disadvantage of factories and industries.This types of industries and factories pollute our environment.It spoil the whole eco-system on the Earth.Because in these factories use fuels which not was fully burned.After the using it vomit many dangerous and hazardous gases.Who is not suitable for animals, insects,human being and our earth.Fpr example these gase are very dangerous.Example CO2 (carbon dioxide),S (sulfer), CH4 (Methane)and many toxic materials are burned and released into the atmosphere.As a result these gases are able to absorb radiation from the sun,they have direct impact on the temperature of the planet.Its results we faces over heat and global warming.Its leads to rising the sea level.If we talk about past day sea level is down.But the cause of global warming all glaciers on the mountains and Antarctic melt.This is the main cause of the floods.

                                                                          And the other disadvantage is deforestation is increasing very fast.Because at this time the world population is increasing very fast.Cause of fullfill the needs of shelter and many essential things.cut down many trees and jungles.Mostly forest are cut down to established factories.Its many disadvantage I can't describe about all.
                                                         The role of our government in the field of industrialisation.Our government should keep taxes low while promoting private investment and the government should built transportation network that supported in the growth of economic.Because they had lots of raw materials, motivated workers to push the speed of industrialisation.
                                   But our government should not working in this field and no satisfactory development visible in this sectors.Our government should built heavy transportation,which motivate and push the speed of industrialisation.But in the future we can see many growth in this sectors.Because our government passed any scheme in that direction.We can see satisfactory development accross 2030 and many megha projects are play important role in this way.Our government started bullet train.Make all cities convert into the smart cities.Where are available all types of facilities.Just like good transportation,good education, clean water, hygeine city,good hai services etc.

Conclusion→At last we should do work in this direction.We should use renewable  sources of energy.Just like solar energy.wind energy etc.This types of energy are very good for future and it's not affect our environment and earth.We should promote for use the source of renewable energy in the factories.Then we can go reduce pollution to some extent.We should find another source of energy then the the industrialisation is good for any other country and also for our environment.
                       We know humans are the one's responsible for destroying the eco-system and killing the humanity.It's time to acknowledge and understand the importance of protecting our environment and work in this direction.



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